Purchasing new laptop , I’m first year student who will learn AI/ML shall I install Linux in my HP P 14 or windows is sufficient?
There is WSL in windows, which is native Linux. So on your Windows notebook you’ll have both: Windows and Linux. On a Linux notebook you’ll have only Linux
See what the software requirements are for your classes. That will inform you the best.
My daughter’s security course couldn’t handle Mac at all,Windows is required. They use Linux too, but only through pre-prepared VMs on hard drives they hand out to the students.
Honestly, I’d stick with Windows and install WSL2. You won’t run into any big issues with schoolwork or software, and you can still mess around with Linux in a safe way without breaking things like drivers.
Once you’re comfortable with that, you can try dual-booting into a Linux setup you prefer and make the full switch whenever you’re ready.
I would lean towards Windows because there are more programs available for it though check what you need first.
If you have no idea just stick with windows, easier to get help if you run to a trouble and compatible with most software that you’ll likely use
Windows. If you need to use Linux in the future, try dual boot or run Linux in VM.
Windows with Linux subsystem or Linux with windows in virtualbox.