Software Suggestion for Windows Folder and File Analysis

I’m looking for a Windows program that can analyze a folder and all its subfolders, including the files inside. Ideally, the software should give me detailed stats like:

  • The number of files, sorted by their extension.
  • File sizes, both for individual files and the total size for each type.
  • Other helpful stats like creation and modification dates, as well as the biggest files.

Basically, I want a quick way to get a breakdown of the folder structure, the types of files, their sizes, and some insight into how these files are distributed.

If you want to analyze your folder and its subfolders using PowerShell, you can run a command like this:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
    $indent = ' ' * (($_.FullName -split '\\').Count - 1) * 2
    $size = if ($_.PSIsContainer) { '<DIR>' } else { $_.Length }
    "{0}\{1} {2,-10} {3,-20} {4}" -f $_.DirectoryName, $_.Name, $size, $_.LastWriteTime, $_.Attributes

This command will list all the files and folders, showing their sizes, last modified dates, and attributes in a nice format. Just paste this into your PowerShell window to get started!

SpaceSniffer or its alternatives and VoidTools Everything would be a good combination here.

You could try out musoq

you could probably give TreeSize a try for your need

WizTree offers some of the features you’re looking for.

And if you ever need to compare two folders that should be identical, give WinMerge a try!