Looking for something that can show me everything I have installed on my PC and help me figure out what’s taking up all my storage space

I have a 1TB hard drive, and I know I’ve got around 300GB of games and about 90GB of pictures and videos, so that adds up to about 400GB. But I can’t figure out where the other 500GB is going, I only have two games installed that take up about 200GB, plus some AI software that’s using another 200GB. It just doesn’t make sense to me where all that extra space is disappearing to.

Filesize, it’s on portableapps I’m pretty sure

You can check what’s installed by running “Add or remove programs” in Windows (you can find it using the search bar on your taskbar).

If you’re looking to see what’s taking up disk space, there are several tools out there. One option is WizTree, which gives you a graphical output, and you can even get a portable version from Portableapps .com.

WizTree is your friend

SpaceSniffer, no limitation, free donation-ware

TreeSize Free. Very easy to see where all the space has gone.

Make sure your recycle bin is being emptied

it is, I always empty it. And i’m pretty sure the recyclebin has a cap on it. I think it can only get up to 80gb then deletes everything else permanently once it reaches the limit.

just use… TreeSizeFree