I need to convert around 600 .WAV files to .MP3s on a really old Chromebook

My laptop’s running low on storage, so I need to convert my files before it’s too late. Any good sites that won’t crash my computer, work in the browser, keep the same filenames, and don’t have a file limit?

You just need MediaMonkey for all your needs.

I recommend MediaMonkey, it should do the job just fine.

The only potential issue is that it might not replace the original files but just add the converted ones, which is also true for most online converters.

I suggest grabbing a cheap flash drive to store both the original and converted files. First, copy all your existing files onto one flash drive. Then, use MediaMonkey to convert the files and store them on another flash drive. After that, delete the originals from your laptop and copy the converted files back. That way, you’ll have backups of both formats. Two flash drives shouldn’t cost more than $10.

If you’ve got that many files, I hope you’ve backed them up! Never try converting without a backup first!

I’m gonna give MediaMonkey a try, but do you have any recommendations for online converters that don’t require a download?

btw how do i convert files with mediamonkey?

Select the tracks, right-click, choose “Convert format,” then use the dropdown to switch from .wav to .mp3.

The OPUS codec is a better fit for your situation if you’re only playing back on PC.