Looking for cheap website hosting that’s actually decent? I need some affordable options for my blog

Hello guys…
I’m on the hunt for affordable hosting services that don’t suck. It seems like even the not-so-great hosts have been jacking up their prices lately. Paying $15-$18 a month for basic shared hosting with slow servers and lousy support is just crazy.

I’m looking for reliable web hosts that charge under $15-16 a month and don’t hike their prices after the first year. I want options with good server performance, fast speeds, and responsive support. I’ve already checked out popular providers like Namecheap, Siteground, and Hostgator, but they’re too pricey and their service isn’t great.

So, any recommendations for hosting companies that offer better value for the price?

To what extent are you technical? If you know how to use github and jekyll, you can accomplish it for free (just pay for the domain renewal).

You can get a low-end VPS for just a few bucks a year (not per month, per year). You just need to know how to install and manage Linux on it…

You don’t need a VPS for a website. A shared hosting plan for $1.99 a month would be way cheaper…

If it’s cheap, it’s probably gonna be crappy.