I’m working on a new website and want to include a video preview button. I thought about using my own FTP space to upload the video for previewing.
The problem is that when I click play, the file starts downloading instead of just previewing.
Does anyone have a solution for this? I want the link to show a preview online, not just download the file (videos are around 20-50MB).
September 5, 2024, 6:47am
A link alone won’t preview the resource.
You’ll need a specialized player that loads and plays just the first few seconds of the video.
I have a website template with a video player that asks for a hyperlink and thumbnail. But when I click on the thumbnail, it just opens a black window and starts downloading the file instead of previewing it.
I tried exporting the video as an MP4 and it shows up in the browser, but on my website’s video template, it says “refused to connect.”
September 5, 2024, 6:50am
Check the documentation of that player. It may not support specific type of video serving. What file/MIME type does the download end up as?
I have uploaded it to my FTP as a MOV file, and it still just downloads directly instead of playing.