Finding a way around discontinued product registration

I have an old product I bought for Windows years ago that I still use, but I recently got a new computer. The problem is, I can’t open the software on the new machine without registering it again. The company doesn’t sell the product anymore and won’t give me a new code, so it’s basically useless now. How can I bypass the registration requirement? I paid for it and had it registered before, so I’m not trying to do anything illegal. I just really prefer that version over their new Mac version, which I don’t own.

Google “product keygen” or “product key”. Always scan any executable files you download before running them, as keygens are a somewhat higher risk than average.

All this, of course, assuming that you live in a jurisdiction where hacking to use software you own is legal.

If you still have your old computer with the working program, you might want to try using “PC Transfer” by EaseUS. There’s a good chance that the registration settings will be transferred over, too.

If you know the name of the company that made it and the name of the software search the registry for those names. Chances are you can locate the information in the registry. You could always export the registry key to a .reg file to import on the new computer. In the future I would create a folder on your computer with a text file for registration details and the original installers so you can easily transfer to a new computer.

You can check out the Magic Jelly Bean Key Finder at magicaljellybean .com It scans your old computer and might be able to recover the key for you.

If you let us know what the app did, we can help you find a good replacement that’s still active!

If you don’t have access to your old computer, your best bet is to try to find the key, like others have suggested.

How did you originally get the key? It might be in your email—have you checked there?

Which software is this?

It’s called Mapping Tonal Harmony by mDecks. It’s a tiny company, and the program is pretty niche, but I use it a lot and really need it!